
Dynamic Power Management - 3 State Fujitsu Disk Drive

(Qiu, Wu and Pedram)



This case study is based on a CTMC model of a 3 state Fujitsu disk drive taken from [QWP99]. As in [QWP99], we suppose that request inter-arrival distribution has the same (mean) expected value and equals 0.72, and that the maximum size of the service request queue (SRQ) is 20.

In this model the Service Provider (SP) has three states which are shown below.

3 state service provider

The SP makes a transition from idle to busy whenever a request arrives for service. Similarly, it makes a transition from busy to idle whenever it finishes the service of a request. Transitions between sleep and idle are controlled by the PM. The only condition we impose on the PM is that, when the SRQ is full and the SP is in sleep, the PM switches the SP on, i.e. the SP moves to idle. The performance of the SP is given in the following tables where the data is taken from [QWP99]:

  • Average power consumption and service times of the SP

        sleep idle busy
    average power 0.13 0.95 2.15
    average service time 0 0 0.008
  • Average energy consumption values for state transitions of the SP

        sleep idle busy
    sleep 0 7 -
    idle 0.067 0 0
    busy - 0 0
  • Average transition times for state transitions of the SP

        sleep idle busy
    sleep 0 1.6 -
    idle 0.67 0 0
    busy - 0 0

Modelling the System in PRISM:

The module representing the SP is given below. Note that the actions corresponding to local changes of the SP synchronise with the PM, whereas the transitions corresponding to the service and arrival of requests synchronise with the SRQ.

// assume SP automatically
// moves from idle to busy when ever a request arrives
// moves from busy to idle when ever a request is served

// rates of local state changes
const double sleep2idle=10/16;
const double idle2sleep=100/67;
// rate of service
const double service=1000/8; 

module SP

	sp : [0..2]; // 0 - sleep, 1 - idle,  2 - busy
	// when there is nothing in the queue go to idle
	[sleep2idle] sp=0 & q=0 -> sleep2idle : (sp'=1);
	// when there is something in the queue so start serving immediately
	[sleep2idle] sp=0 & q>0 -> sleep2idle : (sp'=2);

	[idle2sleep] sp=1 & q=0 -> idle2sleep : (sp'=0);

	// IDLE TO BUSY (when a request arrives)
	[request] sp=1  -> (sp'=2);
	[request] !sp=1 -> true; // need to add loop for other states
	[serve] sp=2 & q>1 -> service : (sp'=2); 
	[serve] sp=2 & q=1 -> service : (sp'=1); 

View: printable version          Download: power_ctmc3_sp.sm

Since there is only one queue, the SRQ and the SR can be combined into the following module:


// size of queue
const int QMAX=20;

// rate of arrivals
const double request=100/72;

module SRQ

	q : [0..QMAX];
	[request] true -> request : (q'=min(q+1,QMAX)); // request arrives
	[serve]  q>0 -> (q'=q-1); // request served
View: printable version          Download: power_ctmc3_sr.sm

Optimal Stochastic Policies:

Given a performance constraint (average number of requests awaiting service), we construct the optimal policy which minimises the average power consumption while satisfying the performance constraint. We obtained these policies by constructing the generator matrix of the system in PRISM and then, from this, constructing a linear optimization problem which we solve with Maple using its Simplex package.

Below, we list the policies obtained under a selection of different different performance constraints where, if no behaviour is specified, the choice of the policy is to do nothing (stay in the same state).

Constraint   Policy
average number of requests
awaiting service <=20
when the SRQ is empty and the SP is in idle go to sleep
average number of requests
awaiting service <= 10
when the SRQ is full and the SP is in sleep go to idlewhen the SRQ is empty and the SP is in idle:    go to sleep with probability 0.869135    stay in idle with probability 0.130865
average number of requests
awaiting service <= 5
when the SRQ is full and the SP is in sleep go to idlewhen the SRQ is empty and the SP is in idle:    go to sleep with probability 0.075140    stay in idle with probability 0.924860
average number of requests
awaiting service <= 1
when the SRQ is full and the SP is in sleep go to idlewhen the SRQ is empty and the SP is in idle:    go to sleep with probability 0.008963    stay in idle with probability 0.991037
average number of requests
awaiting service <= 0.25
when the SRQ is full and the SP is in sleep go to idlewhen the SRQ is empty and the SP is in idle:    go to sleep with probability 0.002014    stay in idle with probability 0.997986
average number of requests
awaiting service <= 0.1
when the SRQ is full and the SP is in sleep go to idlewhen the SRQ is empty and the SP is in idle:    go to sleep with probability 7.39e-04    stay in idle with probability 0.999261

It is then straightforward to define each policy in PRISM as a module. To illustrate this we give the module for the policy with performance constraint 1.

// POWER MANAGER performance constraint 1
// when the SRQ is full and the SP is in sleep go to idle
// when the SRQ is empty and the SP is in idle:
// go to sleep with probability 0.008963 and stay in idle with probability 0.991037

module PM

	p : [0..1];
	// p=0 - loop or go sleep to idle
	// p=1 - idle to sleep

	// queue is full so go from sleep to idle
	[sleep2idle] q=QMAX -> (p'=p);
	// probabilistic choice when queue becomes empty
	[serve] q=1 -> 0.008963 : (p'=1);
	[serve] q=1 -> 0.991037 : (p'=0);
	[serve] q>1 -> true; // loops for remaining states
	[request] true -> (p'=0); // idle to sleep
	[idle2sleep] p=1 -> (p'=0); // reset p when queue is no longer empty
View: printable version          Download: power_ctmc3_pm1.sm


Using the results presented in [KNP02d], we have computed, for the optimal policies under different performance constraints and for a of selection distributions, with the same mean (0.72), modelling the inter-arrival time of requests:

  • The average power consumption (see here for the results).
  • The average number of requests awaiting service (see here for the results).
  • The average number of lost requests (see here for the results).

Furthermore, restricting the inter-arrival time to be exponentially distributed, we have computed the following performance measures for the optimal policies under different constraints:

  • The expected power consumption by time T (see here for the results).
  • The expected number of requests awaiting service at time T (see here for the results).
  • The expected number of lost requests by time T (see here for the results).
  • The probability, from the state where the SP is in sleep and there are no requests awaiting service, that at least N requests are awaiting service by time T (see here for the the case when N=10, here for N=15 and here when N=20).
  • From the state where the SRQ is empty and the SP is in sleep, the probability that a request gets lost by time T (see here for the results).

Case Studies