
The PRISM Preprocessor (beta)

We have developed a simple preprocessor tool for PRISM files, which can be used to automate generation of PRISM model and properties files that contain a lot of repetition. Instructions for the preprocessor are embedded in a PRISM file and identified by placing them within a pair of hash symbols (#...#). Here is a simple example:

#const N#

module proc1
	s1: [0..1];
	[] true -> (s1'=1-s1);

#for i=2:N#
module proc#i# = proc1 [ s1=s#i# ] endmodule

View: printable version          Download: pp_example1.nm.pp

The resulting PRISM model file (for N=4) is:


module proc1
	s1: [0..1];
	[] true -> (s1'=1-s1);

module proc2 = proc1 [ s1=s2 ] endmodule
module proc3 = proc1 [ s1=s3 ] endmodule
module proc4 = proc1 [ s1=s4 ] endmodule

View: printable version          Download: pp_example1.nm

With the preprocessor, you can:

  • declare undefined constants, which will be given values when the file is processed
    • e.g. #const N# above
  • create for loops which will result in the enclosed text being repeatedly generated
    • e.g. #for i=2:N# ... #end# above
  • include arbitrary expressions using constants or for-loop variables which will be evaluated and output
    • e.g. #i# above

Some other points:

  • Expressions (like #i# above, or in the lower/upper bounds of for loops) can use any operators allowed in the PRISM modelling language.
  • There are shorthand expressions for some common uses of for loops:
    • e.g. #+ i=1:3# x#i# #end# which becomes x1+x2+x3
    • as well as summation (+), you can do this with: multiplication (*), disjunction (|), conjunction (&), commas (,) and semicolons (;).
  • You can also create defined constants, in terms of undefined ones
    • e.g. #const N# #const K = floor(pow(2, N))-1#
  • Note that preprocessor constant declarations are not outputted so if you want that constant to be available in the PRISM file too, then use two lines of the form:
    • #const N#
    • const int N = #N#;


Here are some examples of preprocessor files:

Running the preprocessor

The preprocessor is actually included in the PRISM tool; you just need a script to run it. Currently we only have a Linux version of the script, which is here. Save the file as prismpp, make it executable (chmod 755 prismpp), ensure that both prism (which is needed by the preprocessor) and prismpp are in your path. You can then run it as in the following example:

  • prismpp pp_example1.nm.pp 4 > pp_example1.nm

The output of the tool can be redirected to a file as shown. The values of constants (N=4 in this case) are included after the name of the input file, in the order in which they appear in the file. Constants for multiple constants are separated by spaces.


Please note that the PRISM preprocessor is an experimental tool. Bug reports, suggestions for additions/improvements, and any other comments are always welcome.
