// Maximum expected profit that the two investors
// can guarantee, working collaboratively
<<investor1,investor2>> R{"profit12"}max=? [ Fc "done" ]

// Maximum expected profit that investor 1 can ensure it achieves?”
<<investor1>> R{"profit1"}max=? [ Fc ("done1"&"done2") ]

// Maximum expected profit that investor 1
// can achieve with the help of the market
<<investor1,market>> R{"profit1"}max=? [ Fc "done1" ]

// Can both investors collaborate to
// achieve an expected profit of precisely 5?
<<investor1,investor2>> R{"profit12"}=5 [ Fc "done" ]

// Maximum probability with which investor 1
// can guarantee a share value greater than 5
<<investor1>> Pmax=? [ F ("done1"&v>5) ]