Information and Computation Paper - Case Studies

Included below are the models and properties used for running examples and to generate experimental results in the paper:

Running examples

Randomised consensus [AH90]

  1. The minimum probability that the processes decide by round R;

    This property can be represented by a probabilistic safety property. We use the rule (Asym-Safety), in conjunction with the rule (Async-Safety) to establish the required assumptions.

  2. The maximum expected number of steps required in the first R rounds.

    Compositional verification of this property is performed by first splitting the reward structure for the property into several parts (one for the N processes and one for each coin protocol) and then using rule (Async-Quant) to determine an upper bound on the maximum total expected value for each one. Then combining these results, using the (Sum-Reward) rule, to compute an upper bound on the maximum total reward.

Zeroconf network configuration protocol [CAG02] (PA model from [KNPS06])

  1. Minimum probability that a host only employs a fresh IP address.
  2. Minimum probability that a host is configured by time T.

    These two properties are probabilistic both safety properties, which are verified compositionally by first applying the rule (Circ-Safety), where the first and second assumptions concern the new host and environment, respectively, and the first assumption is a qualitative (probability 1) safety property.

  3. Minimum probability that the protocol terminates.
  4. Minimum and maximum expected time for the protocol to terminate.

    For these properties verification is performed by first applying the rule (Circ-Safe), where the first assumption is a either a qualitative safety or qualitative liveness property, about the new host, and the second assumption is a probabilistic omega-regular property, concerning the environment.