// two robots moving over a grid
// one tries to move from sw corner to ne corner while the other does the reverse
// when moving robit i can end up in an adjacent grid square with probability pi


// the players
player p1 m1 endplayer
player p2 m2 endplayer

const double q; // probability of movement failure

const int l; // size of grid
const int k; // step bound

// corner points
const int xmin = 0;
const int ymin = 0;
const int xmax = l-1;
const int ymax = l-1;

// initial grid positions for the robots
const int xi1 = xmin; const int yi1 = ymin;
const int xi2 = xmax; const int yi2 = ymax;

// goal grid positions for the robots
const int xg1 = xmax; const int yg1 = ymax;
const int xg2 = xmin; const int yg2 = ymin;

// add labels for specifying properties
label "goal1" = (x1=xg1 & y1=yg1);
label "goal2" = (x2=xg2 & y2=yg2);

// robots crash when they end up in same grid square
formula crash = (x1=x2 & y1=y2);

// represents both goals being reached or that the robots have crashed
module ob

	[] crash | ((x1=xg1 & y1=yg1) & (x2=xg2 & y2=yg2)) -> true; // loop when crashed or goals reached to prevent deadlock


// first robot
module m1

	x1 : [xmin..xmax] init xi1; // x coordinate
	y1 : [ymin..ymax] init yi1; // y coordinate

	[n1] !crash & y1<ymax -> (1-q) : (y1'=y1+1) + q/2 : (y1'=y1+1) & (x1'=min(xmax,x1+1)) + q/2 : (y1'=y1+1) & (x1'=max(xmin,x1-1));
	[e1] !crash & x1<xmax -> (1-q) : (x1'=x1+1) + q/2 : (x1'=x1+1) & (y1'=min(ymax,y1+1)) + q/2 : (x1'=x1+1) & (y1'=max(ymin,y1-1));
	[ne1] !crash & y1<ymax & x1<xmax -> (1-q) : (y1'=y1+1) & (x1'=x1+1) + q/2 : (y1'=y1+1) + q/2 : (x1'=x1+1);

// second robot
module m2

	x2 : [xmin..xmax] init xi2; // x coordinate
	y2 : [ymin..ymax] init yi2; // y coordinate

	[s2] !crash & y2>ymin -> (1-q) : (y2'=y2-1) + q/2 : (y2'=y2-1) & (x2'=min(xmax,x2+1)) + q/2 : (y2'=y2-1) & (x2'=max(xmin,x2-1));
	[w2] !crash & x2>xmin -> (1-q) : (x2'=x2-1) + q/2 : (x2'=x2-1) & (y2'=min(ymax,y2+1)) + q/2 : (x2'=x2-1) & (y2'=max(ymin,y2-1));
	[sw2] !crash & y2>ymin & x2>xmin -> (1-q) : (y2'=y2-1) & (x2'=x2-1) + q/2 : (y2'=y2-1) + q/2 : (x2'=x2-1);