// Model implementing demand-side energy management algorithm of:
// H. Hildmann and F. Saffre. Influence of Variable Supply and Load Flexibility on Demand-Side Management
// IEEE 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM). 2011. 
// In contrast with original (DTMC) model, some agents are allowed to 
// make a decision whether to execute their jobs modeled by non-determinism.
// Model has to be built using PRISM preprocessor (http://www.prismmodelchecker.org/prismpp/)
// using the following command: prismpp dsm_mdp-dtmc.pp <N> <D> <d> <L> <PS> > dsm_mdp-dtmc.pm, where 
// <N> - number of households
// <D> - number of days
// <d> - number of deterministic households
// <L> - maximum job duration
// <PS> - 0.Pstart
// Aistis Simaitis 25/08/11 


// number of households
const int N = 3;

// number of days
const int D = 3;

// number of time intervals in the day
const int K = 16;

// expected number of jobs per household per day
const int Exp_J = 9;

// cost limits for households
const double price_limit = 1.5;

// initiation probabilities for jobs (uniform distribution)
const double P_J1 = 1/4;
const double P_J2 = 1/4;
const double P_J3 = 1/4;
const double P_J4 = 1/4;

// probability of starting a task independently of the cost
const double P_start = 0.8;

// distribution of the expected demand across intervals
const double D_K1 = 0.0614;
const double D_K2 = 0.0392;
const double D_K3 = 0.0304;
const double D_K4 = 0.0304;
const double D_K5 = 0.0355;
const double D_K6 = 0.0518;
const double D_K7 = 0.0651;
const double D_K8 = 0.0643;
const double D_K9 = 0.0625;
const double D_K10 = 0.0618;
const double D_K11 = 0.0614;
const double D_K12 = 0.0695;
const double D_K13 = 0.0887;
const double D_K14 = 0.1013;
const double D_K15 = 0.1005;
const double D_K16 = 0.0762;

// time limit
const int max_time = K*D+1;

// ---------------------------------------------------

// time counter
global time : [1..max_time];

// jobs of households
global job1 : [0..4];
global job2 : [0..4];
global job3 : [0..4];

// scheduling variable
global sched : [0..N];

player p0

// definition of scheduling module
module player0

// cost is below the limit
	[] sched = 0 -> 1/N : (sched'=1)
		      + 1/N : (sched'=2)
		      + 1/N : (sched'=3)

// cost is above the limit - allowing scheduler to switch off one job
	[] sched = 0 & jobs_running > price_limit & job1>0 -> 1/N : (sched'=1) & (job1'=0)
		      					      + 1/N : (sched'=2) & (job1'=0)
		      					      + 1/N : (sched'=3) & (job1'=0)
	[] sched = 0 & jobs_running > price_limit & job2>0 -> 1/N : (sched'=1) & (job2'=0)
		      					      + 1/N : (sched'=2) & (job2'=0)
		      					      + 1/N : (sched'=3) & (job2'=0)
	[] sched = 0 & jobs_running > price_limit & job3>0 -> 1/N : (sched'=1) & (job3'=0)
		      					      + 1/N : (sched'=2) & (job3'=0)
		      					      + 1/N : (sched'=3) & (job3'=0)


// definitions of non-deterministic households
player p1
	player1, [start1], [backoff1], [nbackoff1]

module player1
	job_arrived1 : [0..4];

	[] sched=1 & active = 0 & job1 > 0 & time < max_time -> (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// initiate the job with probability P_init
	[] sched=1 & active = 0 & job1 = 0 & time < max_time -> P_init*P_J1 : (job_arrived1'=1)
							    + P_init*P_J2 : (job_arrived1'=2)
							    + P_init*P_J3 : (job_arrived1'=3)
							    + P_init*P_J4 : (job_arrived1'=4)
				       			    + (1-P_init) : (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// start job if cost below the limit
	[start1] sched=1 & job_arrived1 > 0 & price <= price_limit & time < max_time-> (job1'=job_arrived1)  & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (job_arrived1'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// back-off with probability 1-P_start
	[backoff1] sched=1 & job_arrived1 > 0 & price > price_limit & time < max_time->   P_start : (job1'=job_arrived1)  & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (job_arrived1'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0)
						   + (1-P_start) : (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (job_arrived1'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// don't back-off 
	[nbackoff1] sched=1 & job_arrived1 > 0 & price > price_limit & time < max_time -> (job1'=job_arrived1)  & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (job_arrived1'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// finished
	[] sched=1 & time=max_time -> (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (sched'=0);


player p2
	player2, [start2], [backoff2], [nbackoff2]

module player2
	job_arrived2 : [0..4];

	[] sched=2 & active = 0 & job2 > 0 & time < max_time -> (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// initiate the job with probability P_init
	[] sched=2 & active = 0 & job2 = 0 & time < max_time -> P_init*P_J1 : (job_arrived2'=1)
							    + P_init*P_J2 : (job_arrived2'=2)
							    + P_init*P_J3 : (job_arrived2'=3)
							    + P_init*P_J4 : (job_arrived2'=4)
				       			    + (1-P_init) : (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// start job if cost below the limit
	[start2] sched=2 & job_arrived2 > 0 & price <= price_limit & time < max_time-> (job2'=job_arrived2)  & (job1'=new_j1) & (job3'=new_j3) & (job_arrived2'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// back-off with probability 1-P_start
	[backoff2] sched=2 & job_arrived2 > 0 & price > price_limit & time < max_time->   P_start : (job2'=job_arrived2)  & (job1'=new_j1) & (job3'=new_j3) & (job_arrived2'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0)
						   + (1-P_start) : (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (job_arrived2'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// don't back-off 
	[nbackoff2] sched=2 & job_arrived2 > 0 & price > price_limit & time < max_time -> (job2'=job_arrived2)  & (job1'=new_j1) & (job3'=new_j3) & (job_arrived2'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// finished
	[] sched=2 & time=max_time -> (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (sched'=0);


player p3
	player3, [start3], [backoff3], [nbackoff3]

module player3
	job_arrived3 : [0..4];

	[] sched=3 & active = 0 & job3 > 0 & time < max_time -> (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// initiate the job with probability P_init
	[] sched=3 & active = 0 & job3 = 0 & time < max_time -> P_init*P_J1 : (job_arrived3'=1)
							    + P_init*P_J2 : (job_arrived3'=2)
							    + P_init*P_J3 : (job_arrived3'=3)
							    + P_init*P_J4 : (job_arrived3'=4)
				       			    + (1-P_init) : (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// start job if cost below the limit
	[start3] sched=3 & job_arrived3 > 0 & price <= price_limit & time < max_time-> (job3'=job_arrived3)  & (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job_arrived3'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// back-off with probability 1-P_start
	[backoff3] sched=3 & job_arrived3 > 0 & price > price_limit & time < max_time->   P_start : (job3'=job_arrived3)  & (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job_arrived3'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0)
						   + (1-P_start) : (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (job_arrived3'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// don't back-off 
	[nbackoff3] sched=3 & job_arrived3 > 0 & price > price_limit & time < max_time -> (job3'=job_arrived3)  & (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job_arrived3'=0) & (time'=time+1) & (sched'=0);

	// finished
	[] sched=3 & time=max_time -> (job1'=new_j1) & (job2'=new_j2) & (job3'=new_j3) & (sched'=0);


// definitions of deterministic households

// probability to initiate the load
formula P_init = Exp_J *
		 (mod(time,K) = 1 ? D_K1 : 
		 (mod(time,K) = 2 ? D_K2 : 
		 (mod(time,K) = 3 ? D_K3 : 
		 (mod(time,K) = 4 ? D_K4 : 
		 (mod(time,K) = 5 ? D_K5 :
		 (mod(time,K) = 6 ? D_K6 :
		 (mod(time,K) = 7 ? D_K7 :
		 (mod(time,K) = 8 ? D_K8 :
		 (mod(time,K) = 9 ? D_K9 :
		 (mod(time,K) = 10 ? D_K10 :
		 (mod(time,K) = 11 ? D_K11 : 
		 (mod(time,K) = 12 ? D_K12 :
		 (mod(time,K) = 13 ? D_K13 :
		 (mod(time,K) = 14 ? D_K14 :
		 (mod(time,K) = 15 ? D_K15 : 

// formula to compute current cost
formula jobs_running = (job1>0?1:0)  + (job2>0?1:0) + (job3>0?1:0);

// formula to identify say that only one agent is active
formula active = job_arrived1 + job_arrived2  + job_arrived3 ;

// formula to update job status
formula new_j1 = job1=0?0:job1-1;
formula new_j2 = job2=0?0:job2-1;
formula new_j3 = job3=0?0:job3-1;

formula price = jobs_running+1;

rewards "cost"
	sched!=0 : jobs_running*jobs_running;

rewards "tasks_started"
	sched!=0 & job1=1 : 1;
	sched!=0 & job2=1 : 1;
	sched!=0 & job3=1 : 1;

rewards "value1"
	sched!=0 & job1>0 : 1/jobs_running;
rewards "value12"
	sched!=0 & (job1>0|job2>0) : 1/jobs_running;
rewards "value123"
	sched!=0 & (job1>0|job2>0|job3>0) : 1/jobs_running;

rewards "value2"
	sched!=0 & job2>0 : 1/jobs_running;
rewards "value3"
	sched!=0 & job3>0 : 1/jobs_running;

rewards "common_value"
	sched!=0 : jobs_running=0?0:1/jobs_running;